Are You a Keeper?

There are several qualities that a man/woman should have, in order to be considered as a keeper. For instance, he/she should be trustworthy, respectful of your family and friends, etc. Most importantly, I think that he/she should be a supportive partner. Yes, always get or keep someone who is encouraging and sensitive! It may sound cliché, but it is crucial to having a good and healthy relationship. In other words, you will need that when times get tough!

I got an internship in Haiti, and let me share something special that happened on my first day at work:

My husband is encouraging, and always provides me with emotional help. How so? He had my lunchbox ready. He kept looking at me like a proud father would at his daughter. But that is not it though! When I was about to open my makeup case, I found this little note: “I am already missing you!”  I melted—figuratively, of course. And it felt so good! To tell you, guys, the truth, I might have found six or seven sticky notes in my stuff throughout the day. They were saying things like “You are beautiful,” and “I love you.”

Moreover, a few minutes after Sugar dropped me off at work, he called me on my cell phone and said, “Baby, I just wanted to tell you that I am so proud of you, and that I cannot wait for you to tell me all about it later…” I could tell that he was talking to me with tear-filled eyes. It was unexpected, and it touched my heart. Those little things always remind me why my husband is a keeper! He is not perfect, but he is human!

Now, if you are a guy reading this post, this is for you: Are you proud of your woman? Do you tell her that often? Do your actions show that you care? Are you a keeper? Because every girl deserves one!

To my girls. Having a supportive partner is a must! Knowing that your man is proud of you and wants to make you smile will always boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. Always.

And if your partner is a keeper: be one, too!

Just think about it sometimes!


Please, feel free to share your thoughts with me! 🙂