Bye Bye Long-Distance Marriage!

This blog started off chronicling our long-distance marriage. However, since Sugar and I are no longer living apart, we will be mostly writing about our healthy lifestyle, motherhood, and fatherhood—why not? You can also expect posts about our hobbies, travels, and stores that we love besides the usual tips and relationship advice. I may even publish, from time to time, hotel and restaurant reviews.

I, for one, am looking forward to reading Sugar’s blog posts. A couple who blogs together, stays together, right? 🙂

One Way to Claim Him…

Decades ago, it used to be so hard for anyone in a long-distance relationship. Letters used to take months to get from one continent to another one. Nowadays, we are all one click away from one another. For instance, besides mailing handwritten letters–yes, Sugar and I still do, we have the opportunity to send text messages, have long conversations over the phone, write emails, leave voice notes, video call, etc.

Moreover, I like to leave my husband a cute little message to remind him of how grateful I am because he is part of my life– i.e. on social networks, so does he. Of course, if you are a very private person you might feel uncomfortable doing that… Here is how I see it though: social networks are probably part of your daily life, so you might as well use them to your advantage from time to time. I am definitely not suggesting you to embarrass the guy or yourself for that matter, but leaving him a sincere note might spice things up in a very surprising way. Men like to be flattered, so claim yours!

One last thing, at the end of the day, it is just going to be you and your partner, so make sure that you are both staying true to yourselves!

Please, feel free to share your thoughts! Thanks. 🙂