Bye Bye Long-Distance Marriage!

This blog started off chronicling our long-distance marriage. However, since Sugar and I are no longer living apart, we will be mostly writing about our healthy lifestyle, motherhood, and fatherhood—why not? You can also expect posts about our hobbies, travels, and stores that we love besides the usual tips and relationship advice. I may even publish, from time to time, hotel and restaurant reviews.

I, for one, am looking forward to reading Sugar’s blog posts. A couple who blogs together, stays together, right? 🙂

Our Relationship Is Not The Same Anymore

Yes, you read that right.

When we got married last year, we thought that was it. We thought so many things to tell you guys the truth, so you can imagine our surprise when we started realizing that our relationship was not the same anymore…

A few days ago, I was driving us back home, and Sugar touched my hand and said, “You are the one for me…” I just melted—figuratively, of course. I knew that he meant it.

Last year, I was just a girl saying yes, but now, I know I am his everything. Not because he says so, but because I know so. His actions constantly prove it to me!

My point is that I am grateful for the good and bad times, and the so-so ones.  Thanks to them, our relationship is not the same anymore: it is stronger!

Getting married is not it, staying married is! Respecting your partner and being patient with him/her are vital components of a healthy marriage. Make sure that your own relationship is not static. You should be able to grow closer to your spouse and create a deeper love.

Please, feel free to share your thoughts! 🙂

Made With Love–Post I

I posted this picture of a meal a few weeks ago on Instagram; a few friends requested it for the first post for Made with Love. Most especially, Sugar loved it!

Steak with mushroom sauce. Baked potatoes (French fries style). Avocado salad. Homemade vinaigrette with fresh herbs. Sautéed bell peppers and jalapeños.

Whether you want the mushroom sauce recipe, or the baked potatoes one, please, feel free to leave me a comment below. You can find the rules here. 🙂



Made With Love

I have some interesting news to share with you, guys. I am, now, going to add a new category, which is going to be entitled Made With Love. And guess what? It is going to be all about food. Don’t worry, I am not going to make your mouth water or have you run to the kitchen to fix yourself dinner each time you read my posts. As a matter of fact, I really would not want this to happen to any of you, especially if you are in the second category and cannot boil an egg to save your life. Anyway, here is how it works:

1. I am going to post a picture of a dish every once in a while.

2. It will be something that Sugar thought was delicious, but…

3. There is a catch… I will only post a dish’s recipe if it gets a lot of traffic* or a decent amount of likes and/or comments.

4. I will even post my secret ingredients. Doesn’t that take the cake?

Now, just keep in mind that I am not a chef.  However, based on a few “victims” who had no choice but to eat my food, I am a pretty good cook. Well, let’s just hope that they were right. For my sake. Sugar’s. And yours, too! :p

In the mean time, if you want to find some amazing recipes, visit my friend’s blog: You can thank me later!

Have a great day/night,

Hely ❤

*Lot of Traffic: Bloggers say that when they get a lot of views for a particular post.

P.S: I rarely eat fast food, and I love cooking healthy food with fresh ingredients.

Still At Home

There is a problem at my house every morning: Sugar.

Wait a minute, why do I feel like you are reading this with your eyes and mouth wide open? Please, don’t give me a hard time! It’s not like I said I did not love pizza…

So yeah, we usually wake up early in the morning–i.e. around 6:00, but somehow, we rarely leave the house at a decent time.

Here is the thing though: Sugar likes to take his time in the morning while I like to rush things a little. I will get our lunch packed, put our dress shirts on one side of our bed, etc.  He will put my watch, my glasses, and my favorite bracelet on the other side, and clean my shoes. Things like that, you know.

But I mean the guy likes to take his tiiiime. Really.

So this morning, something interesting happened. Since we were leaving at 8 o’clock, I thought we should call our taxi driver, Elton. Before I go any further, I think that I need to mention that he drives a motorcycle. Not always safe. Yeah, I know! Anyway, I hopped on the motorcycle in a mad rush while Sugar took his time. Duh. Then, we heard this… Well, you must be familiar with the noise that a piece of clothe makes when you tear it up. Yeah, Sugar had his pants torn. And you get the picture. Actually, please don’t, if you know what I mean…

All in all, let’s just hope that I we will be able to leave early on Monday. Or not.


This is my first attempt at writing a “funny” post. To tell you the truth, I like to think that I am hilarious. Or maybe I am not, which is funny in itself, isn’t it? 

P.S: I commend Sugar for letting me post this one. I know I wouldn’t, if the roles were reversed. :p

What Do You Want?

Yes, you! What do you want?

There is no such a thing as a guide to being a perfect spouse/partner. In other words, if you want your significant other to do certain things for you, you must be showing him the way. For instance, if you want your husband to tell you that he loves you more often, you need to start by reminding him how much you care for him. We, human beings, tend to forget that other people usually treat us the same way we treat them or ourselves for that matter. Let’s  be realistic for a second: if you are not paying any attention to your man , why are you expecting him to notice you?

I remember back in high school, I used to hope that Sugar would give me flowers. Of course, like most girls/women usually do, I never told him what I was wishing for until that one day when I finally realized that if I wanted something to happen, I needed to do something about it. Consequently, I bought him some white flowers. When he realized that they were for him, he melted—figuratively, of course. Trust me when I say this: Sugar got my message, and has been giving me flowers ever since. I strongly believe that actions speak louder than words. That is why I did not just tell him what I wanted, but I gave him the opportunity to feel what it was like to receive flowers from a loved one.

Now, if you are, by any chance, in the same situation that I was in: you obviously do not have to give him flowers. Especially if you think that it might make you or him feel uncomfortable, but just keep in mind that no one ever said that a man could not enjoy receiving flowers. Society made you believe that only women should! I hope you see the difference…

Finally, if you are trying to improve your love life, you do not have to agree with every thing that I said, but listen to the King of Pop, start with the man woman in the mirror…


Laugh Out Loud!

Sugar and I just enjoy cooking. When we are both at home, we like to prepare dinner together!

With that being said, I was very sick, last month; consequently, I was unable to help Sugar prepare the meal. Luckily, he decided to do it all by himself. We had on the menu: mashed potatoes, steak, and salad.

I was really looking forward to sharing this meal with him–to say the least…

Furthermore, it was already passed 8 o’clock, and I was getting very hungry. That is why I was so happy when my husband said that dinner was ready! He brought me my plate with a big smile on his face… However, once I realized that he had put some chopped onions in the mashed potatoes I became disappointed. Well, to tell you the truth, I started complaining about everything… until I remembered how lucky I was am, for I have a husband who cares about me; then, I just laughed out loud. Yes, I laughed at myself because I was not being appreciative of the fact that he cooked us dinner. Of course, that did not mean that I was going to eat all the mashed potatoes, but, at least, I stopped criticizing everything that he cooked that night!

My point is that we, human beings, like to complain–most of the time–about everything. We need to start appreciating one another more. We should also cherish the little things in life because they matter the most!

Don’t just know how special your significant other is: say it! I am not a perfect woman, but I try… And that’s all that matters to my husband.

Finally, always remember to pick your battles. Try not to take yourself too seriously; admit your mistakes. And just laugh out loud!