3 Marriage Myths

1. When you are married, you have sex every day! 

Here is what people could probably say instead: married couples are free to have sex whenever they want.

Some weeks you will actually be able to have sex on a daily basis, but on others, you just won’t as often as you usually do. And if the latter causes a problem in your marriage, you should probably try not to have sex as the center of your relationship.

Moreover, that is why it is very important for you to keep your sex life interesting by keeping your man interested. How so? You can always check my page Surprise Your Man for some fun ideas.

2. Marriage is for everybody.

I hate to break it to you guys, but marriage is definitely not for everybody. The truth is that marriage does not guarantee happiness in life. Some people get married and are very happy while others never get married and are as much as happy as them. On the other hand, some married couples are just miserable.

Stay true to yourself, and do what is best for you! 🙂

3. If you truly love your spouse, you should not have conflict.

This is so erroneous because conflict can also be a good thing in relationships, in general.

If you consistently agree with your partner: there is a problem! In other words, that is probably a sign that you are not in a healthy relationship!

Always make sure that you are able to express your opinion. Most importantly, keep in mind that the collaborating style of conflict is the best of all because no one has to compromise. There is a middle ground, and both people feel respected and understood.