5 Red Flags Women Should Never Ignore

You may be familiar with some of them already, but let me give you a friendly reminder…

1. A man who has no friends. Don’t be surprised when he becomes very jealous and controlling…

2. A man who says that you should keep the relationship a secret. Trust me when I say this: run!

3. A man who has never presented you to his family/friends. Here is the fact: a man who loves you will claim you as “his.” It is that simple!

4. A man who has never told you that he loves you. If he is not ready to be committed to you and to tell you his true feelings, he is not worth your time!

5. A man who makes you feel lonely even when he is right by your side. Can you imagine being with that person for the rest of your life?

The list goes on and on…


Remember, ladies, that “you can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it’s not a mistake, it’s a choice.”

One last piece of advice, always listen to your intuition!

Please feel free to share your thoughts! Thanks! 🙂

The Truth Behind a Wedding Band

Most women want to have an engagement ring with a big diamond. And the focus is still on the magical stone, even after they get married. In fact, when people say, “Let me see your ring,” they are not asking about your wedding band—if you wear one: they want to see the size of your diamond!

Well, I hate to break it to you, guys… but the most important ring is not the engagement ring, but the wedding band! Now, you might be looking at your rings and think, “Poor girl, she does not get it!” Just hear me out!

An engagement is a basically an agreement to get married; luckily, it means that your “search” is over. Unfortunately, getting engaged does not guarantee a woman that she will have her groom waiting for her at the end of the aisle. Therefore, when your man does give you a band on your wedding day, it is so meaningful and priceless because it is a symbol of lifelong commitment.

"... Till death do us part!"
“… Till death do us part!”

You were the one to say yes when your man proposed, but he really got committed to you when he gave you this band, and said, “… till death do us part!” He said yes!

With that being said, start appreciating your wedding band—not just your engagement ring—a little bit more for what it represents, whether it is a simple band or a very expensive one. Then, from time to time, thank your spouse, for he chose you and said yes! Because things could have been different…