I Don’t Twerk, I Blog

This morning, WordPress woke me up with a notification saying “Happy Anniversary with WordPress.com!”

Happy Anniversary not only to me, but also to you, my faithful readers. I hope that you are enjoying the ride with me!

Special thank you to Sugar, Anya, and Ingrid, for they are my biggest fans. They always make suggestions, and leave me comments regularly. Know that I really appreciated it! ❤

So yeah, it has already been a year since I started twerking blogging! Please, keep coming back! 😀



Define Happiness

What is happiness? Really. Do you ever stop and think about it? Is it what society made you believe it should be? In other words, is it the money, the car, and the big house? And will mariage make you happy?

Unfortunately, most people tend to hold everybody–i.e. family, friends, and their partner–but themselves responsible for their own happiness.

I, myself, think that happiness is whatever you want it to be. Whatever makes you smile or gives you true peace. For instance, yesterday, I bought myself some flowers near Saint Peter’s Church in Petion-Ville, Haiti. When I got home, I enjoyed cutting and watering them barefoot. Just like a kid. I put them in a vase that Sugar gave me a few months ago. That made me happy!

Wild and beautiful!
Wild and beautiful!

With that being said, whether it is just buying yourself flowers like I did, walking by the beach, reading a book, eating some ice cream, or even taking yourself out, do it. You need to unwind and let yourself go once in a while!

P.S: All photos were taken by Sara D. Senat.


The Flower Shop.
The Flower Shop.
Saint Peter's Church. Petion-Ville, Haiti.
Saint Peter’s Church. Petion-Ville, Haiti.

Female Orgasm…

Based on an article on dailymail.co.uk, a study, carried out by the University of Kansas, found that 68 % of women have pretended to climax with a partner. It also found that in many cases, “those who did simulate orgasms felt under too much pressure to enjoy real sex.” Why is that?

Well, in my opinion, media plays a big role in this because in most movies with explicit sex scenes, pornography, or even erotic novels, they usually always depict females having orgasm as if women always have at least one every time they have sex. Consequently, a lot of women from countries where sex is taboo tend to assume that if they do not climax, something must be wrong with them. Unfortunately, a number of women do not feel comfortable enough to talk to their family and friends about sex and orgasm. They often fake orgasms just to please their partner… Actually, I will elaborate on all the reasons why women simulate orgasms during sexual activities in the future.

The most important question remains: how can one have an orgasm or multiple ones during sex? In my humble opinion, reciprocation is the key–I will explain myself later on! Now, here are a few tips for you, ladies…

1.   Let your partner know what you like and do not like in bed. Communication and honesty are crucial in having great sex! Really.

2. Know that climax is simply the icing on the cake, which implies that orgasm does not necessarily define good sex. Try not to stress too much. Take your time. Always.

3. Free your mind. I am going to assume that you have already heard people say that women’s most powerful sex organ is their mind. And guess what? It is 100% true! If you are worried about how good you should be feeling or how bad you think you are in bed, chances are that you will not be having an orgasm. Also, try to visualize things that excite you sexually instead of worrying about [insert issue here].

4. Once again, reciprocation is the key to great sex–plus orgasms! Yes, “give and you will receive.” In other words, the more you please him in bed, the more he is going to want to please you, too, and vice versa. It is human nature. Trust me on this one! The sooner you start prioritizing your partner, the better things will be. You will both start feeling an extraordinary connection between your bodies.  Focus your attention on your partner during sex/lovemaking. And oh, just have fun! 😀

On a side note, if you do not reach an orgasm during sexual intercourse with someone: it is okay, and I am going to tell you why. Unfortunately, I am unable to quote verbatim what I read years ago, but here is what it meant: sex is like a brand new shoe that one starts wearing, and with time, it becomes more comfortable, and adjusts to the shape of its owner’s foot. 🙂


Please, feel free to share your thoughts. Thanks!


Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2281699/70-women-THIRD-men-faked-orgasm-avoid-hurting-partners-feelings.html <– Feel free to read the article that I mentioned.



5 Red Flags Women Should Never Ignore

You may be familiar with some of them already, but let me give you a friendly reminder…

1. A man who has no friends. Don’t be surprised when he becomes very jealous and controlling…

2. A man who says that you should keep the relationship a secret. Trust me when I say this: run!

3. A man who has never presented you to his family/friends. Here is the fact: a man who loves you will claim you as “his.” It is that simple!

4. A man who has never told you that he loves you. If he is not ready to be committed to you and to tell you his true feelings, he is not worth your time!

5. A man who makes you feel lonely even when he is right by your side. Can you imagine being with that person for the rest of your life?

The list goes on and on…


Remember, ladies, that “you can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it’s not a mistake, it’s a choice.”

One last piece of advice, always listen to your intuition!

Please feel free to share your thoughts! Thanks! 🙂