Made With Love

I have some interesting news to share with you, guys. I am, now, going to add a new category, which is going to be entitled Made With Love. And guess what? It is going to be all about food. Don’t worry, I am not going to make your mouth water or have you run to the kitchen to fix yourself dinner each time you read my posts. As a matter of fact, I really would not want this to happen to any of you, especially if you are in the second category and cannot boil an egg to save your life. Anyway, here is how it works:

1. I am going to post a picture of a dish every once in a while.

2. It will be something that Sugar thought was delicious, but…

3. There is a catch… I will only post a dish’s recipe if it gets a lot of traffic* or a decent amount of likes and/or comments.

4. I will even post my secret ingredients. Doesn’t that take the cake?

Now, just keep in mind that I am not a chef.  However, based on a few “victims” who had no choice but to eat my food, I am a pretty good cook. Well, let’s just hope that they were right. For my sake. Sugar’s. And yours, too! :p

In the mean time, if you want to find some amazing recipes, visit my friend’s blog: You can thank me later!

Have a great day/night,

Hely ❤

*Lot of Traffic: Bloggers say that when they get a lot of views for a particular post.

P.S: I rarely eat fast food, and I love cooking healthy food with fresh ingredients.