You Just Have to be a Parent to Understand…

I remember going to Viscaya Museum & Gardens, in Miami, when I was six months pregnant. Even though I am someone who usually enjoys going to beautiful places, I was not planning on visiting this one. At least, not on that particular day. Here is how it happened though: early in the morning, my aunt mentioned that the gardens were breathtaking, and my spontaneous self decided to head there by lunch time since I was already going to be in the area. Yes, just like that.

Even if I had lots of fun and probably took a thousand photographs, I do not necessarily think of the place when I hear someone mention Viscaya, but rather an interesting encounter with an old man, on my way back home…

As I was waiting for the train going northbound, a bald octogenarian approached me and said, “God bless you, ma’am! Just by looking at your belly, I can tell you’re having a girl.” I smiled and confirmed. He continued, “I have two daughters, myself. They’re the best things that ever happened to me. You are going to love it! See, when you’ll hold your baby girl, and be able to gaze into each other’s eyes: that’s the closest you’ll ever be to God. I’m telling you, young lady…. I guess you just have to be a parent to understand…”

If I did not go to Viscaya that day, I would not have met the old man. Every time I look at my daughter, I melt, and think of how right he was! I am a parent. So I guess, now, I know.
Plus, I can think of numerous other cases where one needs to be parent, in order to understand.

Anyway, Sugar and I have embarked on this new journey, and we are enthusiastic about what the future holds for us, to say the least. So cheers to that!

Hely ❤️

Meet My Olympian Self!

Now that I am in my third trimester, things are getting a little more interesting, I must say. Pregnancy makes me feel like I am an Olympian at times.

Here is an abridged list of the so-called tasks that make me feel like I am an Olympian when I manage to complete them, of course:

  1. Sleeping. Yes, really! As soon as my head hits the pillow, my little nugget wants to show me what she is already capable of doing. I cannot wait to be able to show Peanut all the videos that I made of her doing all sorts of acrobatics inside of me!
  2. Putting socks on. One can always spot the brightest smile on my face when I finally put them the proper way.
  3. Shaving. Ugh! I just won’t elaborate on this.
  4. Getting up the stairs = increasing shortness of breath.
  5. Tying my shoelaces. Oh boy! This one is so hard for me to do and takes a loooong time, for I have to stretch for a few seconds, and then, do what seems to be like a Taekwondo routine. One good thing about it though is that it makes me think that I am taller now because I cannot easily reach my feet. A girl can dream, right? 😀
  6. Sex. That one was never a task until we found ourselves actually thinking about it. Aye, it requires a lot of creativity, if you know what I mean…

Too bad my Olympian self won’t receive a gold medal after giving birth!

On a more serious note, kudos to all the mothers-to-be who are going through some tough times. And the mothers who are always fighting for their kids. You are all Olympians.

And oh, if you laughed at any of those things that I mentioned above, please, don’t tell me. I beg you! 😀


Just The Three of Us

Hello Faithful Readers,

Sugar and I have some good news to share with you all… We are, without a doubt, the happiest couple in the whole world, for we are expecting our first child! Yes, you read that right! ❤ This is such a blessing!

The three of us! <3
The three of us! ❤



Not clear enough… but oh well! #20WeeksPregnant ❤










We cannot wait to meet our Peanut! 😀 ❤




Questions That Women Are Afraid to Ask…

This morning, I was reading a few articles on, which is all about relationship, sex, and the like. There was one in particular that caught my attention; it was titled “50 Sex questions You Were Afraid to Ask.” I went through all of the questions, and I found it interesting that I would only be afraid to ask a few ones. Just a few. Don’t get me wrong though, my husband is my best friend, which implies that he makes me feel comfortable enough to talk about anything with him, so do I. With that being said, those questions were more about certain things that I have not experienced yet, such as sex after the babysex during pregnancy, etc.

Now, as you can see, I have attached a poll to this post.  Feel free to vote for the one that you would be afraid to ask to your lover or someone else, for that matter. Then, later on, I will answer the question that gets the most votes to the best of my ability, as a married woman.

Thanks in advance, guys! You rock! 🙂

