Laugh Out Loud!

Sugar and I just enjoy cooking. When we are both at home, we like to prepare dinner together!

With that being said, I was very sick, last month; consequently, I was unable to help Sugar prepare the meal. Luckily, he decided to do it all by himself. We had on the menu: mashed potatoes, steak, and salad.

I was really looking forward to sharing this meal with him–to say the least…

Furthermore, it was already passed 8 o’clock, and I was getting very hungry. That is why I was so happy when my husband said that dinner was ready! He brought me my plate with a big smile on his face… However, once I realized that he had put some chopped onions in the mashed potatoes I became disappointed. Well, to tell you the truth, I started complaining about everything… until I remembered how lucky I was am, for I have a husband who cares about me; then, I just laughed out loud. Yes, I laughed at myself because I was not being appreciative of the fact that he cooked us dinner. Of course, that did not mean that I was going to eat all the mashed potatoes, but, at least, I stopped criticizing everything that he cooked that night!

My point is that we, human beings, like to complain–most of the time–about everything. We need to start appreciating one another more. We should also cherish the little things in life because they matter the most!

Don’t just know how special your significant other is: say it! I am not a perfect woman, but I try… And that’s all that matters to my husband.

Finally, always remember to pick your battles. Try not to take yourself too seriously; admit your mistakes. And just laugh out loud!

Thank You for Being Awesome

I am thankful, for my husband likes to write me letters, which are always so beautiful.

Sometimes, he just puts sticky notes in my purse. In fact, I just found one in my pocket; it says, “Thank you for taking me out yesterday… You should do that more often. I love you.” It made me smile…

So sweet!
So sweet!

However, I think that I should be the one thanking Sugar for always being so kind and thoughtful!

I have said it before: only the little things matter, and it is so true!
So how about you? How are you going to make your own partner smile today? Trust me! It is worth trying…

Found a Cute Nickname for My Hubby

I was thinking that I should probably find my hubby a cute nickname, which I could use when I am referring to him on my blog.

My Love? Honey? Sweetheart? Baby?

Well, I usually use all of the above and some more, but for some reason or other, none of them really worked for me…until I remembered “Sugar.” Sugar is definitely the perfect nickname for him, for he is the “sugar-of-my-life!”

How about you? What would be the perfect nickname for your partner?