Redefining Intimacy in 2015

Unfortunately, most people are, now, addicted to technology, and have no patience whatsoever because of this instant-gratification world. I personally know a few who would have no problem spending a day or two without seeing their lover, but when it comes to their cellular telephone: it would be impossible! Their phone seems to be an extension of their body since they use it constantly.

That is why Sugar and I decided to redefine intimacy. At least once a week, we spend some time alone with no phone/internet connection. We use that time to talk about books that we read. Sometimes, we massage or feed each other. We do whatever pleases us, and it is always blissful.

I understand the fact that we are living in a fast-paced culture… It is not our fault, but it is our responsibility to do something about it. That is why I am inviting you to redefine intimacy with your partner as well. Tonight, turn off your phones and have dinner table conversation, for instance. Make use of the “little moments” to connect or reconnect. Over and over again. Because intimacy is a process, and it can definitely strengthen your bond.

What do you have to lose anyway?

Define Happiness

What is happiness? Really. Do you ever stop and think about it? Is it what society made you believe it should be? In other words, is it the money, the car, and the big house? And will mariage make you happy?

Unfortunately, most people tend to hold everybody–i.e. family, friends, and their partner–but themselves responsible for their own happiness.

I, myself, think that happiness is whatever you want it to be. Whatever makes you smile or gives you true peace. For instance, yesterday, I bought myself some flowers near Saint Peter’s Church in Petion-Ville, Haiti. When I got home, I enjoyed cutting and watering them barefoot. Just like a kid. I put them in a vase that Sugar gave me a few months ago. That made me happy!

Wild and beautiful!
Wild and beautiful!

With that being said, whether it is just buying yourself flowers like I did, walking by the beach, reading a book, eating some ice cream, or even taking yourself out, do it. You need to unwind and let yourself go once in a while!

P.S: All photos were taken by Sara D. Senat.


The Flower Shop.
The Flower Shop.
Saint Peter's Church. Petion-Ville, Haiti.
Saint Peter’s Church. Petion-Ville, Haiti.